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Author Guidelines

Manuscripts that meet scientific standards are eligible for publication. The original manuscript should be submitted to the editor following the specified writing guidelines outlined below. Editors have the authority to make changes and suggest improvements in line with scientific norms and communication practices. Papers that have already been published elsewhere will not be accepted by the editors. The manuscript should be typed using Microsoft Word software on A4-sized paper. Format writing using the Font Times New Roman size 10 points, single spacing, two columns, and paragraph formatting using left and right aligned (justified). The text margins should be set to 3 cm on the top, bottom, left, and right sides. The length should be between 3000 and 8000 words for research and review articles, and between 1000 and 2000 words for short communications, following the provided template. Research papers should be organized in the following sections, in order: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, and References.

The title of the article should be concise, clear, and informative, ideally not exceeding 20 words. The full names of all authors should be provided, especially the first and last names. Additionally, the name and address of the institution should be fully detailed, including the street name and number, location, postal code, and the corresponding author's personal email address.

The article must contain an abstract written in English using the following writing format: Font Times New Roman 10 points and 30 mm right and left margins—the number of words that should not exceed 250 words. The abstract is a single paragraph, not part of the main text. The abstract must contain important state-of-the-art, materials, methods, and information from the research without table numbers, drawings, and or mathematical formulas. In addition, it is suggested to make conclusions and suggestions about the strengths or weaknesses of the research.

A maximum of five keywords should be provided to index the submission. Separate each term with a semi-colon.

The introduction contains the background and objectives of the study, as well as the hypotheses. The author can write and describe the study of current writings that are the basis for his research thinking so that his research contributions can be revealed in the background. The purpose of the study should be clearly stated. The hypotheses should be prepared based on the problem to be studied.

Materials and methods are needed to write manuscripts of research results. The review article does not need this section. Materials and Methods explain the materials and tools used, the time, place, technique, and design of experiments, as well as statistical analysis. The research materials are written briefly, which only contain the primary materials of the research, while the research methods can be written in more detail. The reference should be listed if the method used is known in advance.

Results and Discussions for research articles are briefly described, assisted by informative tables or graphs/images. In contrast, the literature review (article review) develops thoughts based on research that has been implemented before. The discussion is a brief and precise review of research results and refers to a review of related literature. The table of image titles is written in bold. The table title is before the table, while the image title is after the image. Table or Figure Captions are written in Times New Roman size 10 points. The table or figure is numbered and written down in order. Citations use APA style using Mendeley Reference Management Software. References with the same author and year of publication using the letters a, b, or c.

The conclusion is the final decisions from the research conducted and follow-up suggestions for further research development materials. In acknowledgment, a word of gratitude goes to the sponsors or those who briefly support the research.

There are at least 15 references; 80% are from the last ten years, 100% are primary references, and 90% are written in English. The references list all related libraries and aim to make searching for readers who need them easier. Only list libraries that have been published either in the form of textbooks or scientific articles. Using Mendeley Reference Management Software (APA style) as an internationally applicable article author's name writing system. 

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.


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