About the Journal

Surjan Journal is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes papers and short communications on sustainable agriculture research in organic farming, low external input sustainable agriculture (LEISA), urban farming, precision agriculture, hydroponics, multiple cropping, and integrated farming systems. Indonesian Agroecology and Agroecosystem Researchers, a professional association concerned with sustainable agriculture, publish the Surjan Journal. The name Surjan was adopted from the technique farmers in Java used to cultivate plants using raised beds and sunken beds alternately to obtain diversified products and avoid weather and climate anomalies.

Surjan Journal is published twice a year, namely in May and November. This journal will be published online for the first time in 2024. Surjan operates under the Open Journal System (OJS). As an open-access journal, it offers everyone free and unlimited access to the full text of all its articles. Articles published in Surjan are written in English. Manuscripts submitted by authors are first reviewed by the editor, who assesses whether they meet the journal's scope and format requirements and if they offer novelty. The editor then decides whether to reject the manuscript or move it to the next stage. If advanced, the editor selects reviewers with expertise in the manuscript's subject area. Reviewers will recommend whether the article should be accepted, rejected, or revised. The entire process, from submission to publication, typically takes three to six months.